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LIVE RADIO! Kevin McCairn & Doooovid on Biowar and Other Conspiracies; Thaddeus Kozinski Says “Don’t Make ‘Well-Being’ Your God”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at

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First hour: Systems Neuroscientist Ph.D.  Kevin McCairn of the Korea Brain Research Institute joins Jewish interfaith dialogue specialist Doooovid and I to discuss red pill issues including COVID origins. (As regular viewers/listeners know, I think COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran.)

Kevin McCairn is the co-author of “An open debate on SARS-CoV-2’s proximal origin is long overdue” among other papers.

Second hour: Catholic philosophy and humanities scholar Thaddeus Kozinski discusses his essay “Seeking ‘well-being’ instead of God as our goal will lead to hell.” He argues that “well-being is good, but if we seek it and not God as our main goal in this life, if it is our primary existential mode, with salvation taking a back seat, we obtain neither well-being nor salvation.”

But wait! Hasn’t humanism, the religion that worships human well-being as the be-all end-all, achieved great things, including vastly increasing life expectancy and decreasing human suffering? Wouldn’t abandoning it, and returning to a God-centered social order, put those achievements at risk? And how, specifically, could today’s high-tech humanism-based societies mutate into God-centered ones?  And what about the claim that humanism leads us away from (tribal/religious) war? Let’s see how Thaddeus responds to these and other questions.

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